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Fixed Sale provides you the opportunity to consider this property and put forward your offer with the confidence that the agent is compelled to present it for the seller’s formal consideration.

Fixed sale is about making it easier, fairer and more comfortable for you to make the offer you want to make (on price and conditions)

…So make your offer now it’s that simple!


 How does it work?

On a Fixed Sale the Seller will consider your offers. The seller may:

  • Accept any one of these offers
  • Make a counter offer (for that buyer to accept, reject or counter back)
  • Consult all buyers (through the agent prior to dealing with any offer
  • Choose to reject all offers

How do I make an offer?

Simply fill out an Offer to Purchase form which your all properties group agent can supply you with, simply fill in your details, offer amount and conditions and this will start the process of making an offer for the property.

Do I have to make a cash (not subject to finance approval) unconditional offer?

No – You can make the offer at your price offering and on the terms and conditions you want.

Will my offer actually be considered by the seller?

Yes – the agent will advise the seller of all offers, within the sellers nominated price range. The agent will not ‘vet’ or ‘hold back’ any offers.

When will I know if my offer has been accepted?

The seller will be presented all offers and the agent will respond to the successful buyer first and other buyers thereafter. All this will be done ASAP.

Do I have to wait to place my offer?

No - you can submit your offer at any time, remembering the first buyer to make the offer will be in a very strong position as the seller does have the option of accepting a strong offer at any time. So don’t delay make your offer quickly as it could secure the property before other buyers submit their offers.